Warren Ingram at HUM South Africa 2020

Focusing on the Person, Not the Problem

At Humans Under Management South Africa 2020, Warren Ingram presented on the importance of adopting a coaching approach in financial planning. As a seasoned financial planner, he shares valuable insights from his journey.

The talk addresses the challenge of understanding clients beyond their financial needs, emphasising the significance of focusing on their personal experiences and emotions.

Key Points:

- Transitioning from technical discussions to understanding clients as individuals enhances relationships.

- Asking open-ended questions can lead to deeper conversations and insights.

- Embracing a coaching mindset fosters client empowerment and ownership of their financial decisions.

- This approach not only benefits client relationships but also improves overall business outcomes.

Watching this video will equip financial advisers with practical strategies to enhance client engagement and deepen relationships, ultimately leading to improved client satisfaction and business growth.

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