December 2020
Why Words Matter
As behavioural advisers, our main job is to influence the behaviour of our clients. And nothing influences behaviour like words. We'd be amazed at how much our own behaviour, in all spheres of life, is influenced by the words we see, hear, and think.
The product of financial advice is intangible, and so the words we use become vitally important. Although we are becoming a profession (rightly so), we will always be salespeople. We sell ourselves, our process, our beliefs, and a faith in the future. So, until financial advice becomes bought, rather than sold, we will need to be skillful persuaders.
I've seen too many advisers who underappreciate the power of words to positively influence clients. Building on the work of my mentors, I've collected a list of phrases and sayings that have helped me to engage more succesfully with clients.
While they are simple and pithy, used together over a long period of time, they can help to frame complicated concepts to clients in a simple manner. They reframe risk, impact a client's understanding of what the stock market is, and assure clients that they need not worry about everything they see in the media.
The best part of our profession is the ability to share and learn from each other. This is my contribution to this conversation. I would love to hear about the words and phrases that you have found to be impactful in your engagements with clients.
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🏆 Main Feature
Why Do Stocks Beat Bonds? [2 minutes]
One of the biggest mistakes advisers make is the inability to explain the reason why equities (the great companies of the world) are the greatest asset class.
A simple article, but well worth remembering.
📰 Articles & Blogs
The 7 biggest shockers from my four decades of financial planning [9 minutes]. Reflections on learnings from an old-timer..
Communicating at Scale [4 minutes]. Technology can help in managing client emotions.
5 Tasks RIAs Must Balance for Growth [5 minutes]. 5 Core growth levers to focus on in 2021.
How to avoid confirmation bias fallacy [6 minutes]. Do you seek out opposing views?
Why Small Is the New Big for RIAs [5 minutes]. Bigger isn't always better.
We Begin Our Lives as Growth Stocks, But End Our Lives As Value Stocks [6 minutes]. Expectations are everything.
🎧 Podcasts
Transitioning Existing Clients To A Planning-Based Model [22 minutes]. Some advice for making better clients.
Be the Resource Clients Want to Refer with Dan Allison [27 minutes]. One of the more contentious aspects of being an adviser, how to get referrals.
The best prospecting practices [27 minutes]. Listen in as they share tips for more productive prospecting, how to deliver massive value through communication, and how to cut away the unnecessary time-wasters.
📚 Book Recommendations
The Practice: Shipping Creative Work by Seth Godin. For those who are wanting to create more, rather than just consume, this book will inspire you to stretch and commit to putting your best work out into the world.
🍿 Videos
Presented at HUM London 2020, Eoin tells his story of why he is involved in this mighty profession.
👏 Encore
Ten Advisor Websites That Stand Out From the Crowd [8minutes]
The advice business is permanently changed [4 minutes]
Using "Enough" to Find Contentment [4 minutes]
The Future of Your Virtual Meetings [3 minutes]
How to design the perfect day [8 minutes]