Abraham Okusanya at HUM Dublin 2018

Managing the Investor: The Behavioural Adviser’s Highest Value Proposition

At the Humans Under Management conference, speaker Abraham Okusanya presented on the critical role of behavioural finance in advising clients effectively. With a strong background in investment advising, Okusanya provides valuable insights for financial advisers.

The talk focuses on the challenges financial advisers face in managing investor behaviour, particularly during volatile market conditions. It addresses how understanding historical market patterns and emotional responses can enhance client relationships and investment outcomes.

Key insights from the talk include:

- The importance of long-term equity investments despite market volatility.

- How bear markets are a natural part of investing and should not be feared.

- The necessity for advisers to manage investor psychology rather than merely the investments.

- The role of historical context in shaping investment strategies and client communications.

Watching this video will equip financial advisers with strategies to improve client engagement, manage expectations during challenging times, and ultimately enhance investment performance through a deeper understanding of behavioural dynamics.

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